o Bed bugs like to travel.
o They hide in suitcases, boxes and shoes.
o Bed bugs feed at night and hide during the day.
o Female bed bugs can lay over 500 eggs in a lifetime!
General Information
Bed bugs get their name because they are commonly found in beds but can also be found in other places where humans spend a lot of time: hotels, airplanes, and couches.
Size: 1/4”
Shape: Flat; broad oval
Color: Mahogany to rusty brown.
Legs: 6
Wings: No
Antenna: Yes
Common Name: Bed bug
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hemiptera
Family: Cimicidae
Genus Species: Cimex lectularius
Bed bugs can feed on the blood of any warm-blooded animal. Their most common targets are humans because, unlike animals with fur, we have a lot of exposed skin for them to bite.
Bed Bugs are typically found in beds and small cracks and crevices.
When Bed bugs feed, they inject the skin with their saliva (this keeps the blood from clotting) and an anesthetic (this keeps the host from feeling the bite and moving). Bed bugs do not spread disease, but their bites can become red, itchy welts.
* Vacuum suitcases after returning from a vacation.
* Check your bed sheets for blood spots.
* Keep your suitcases covered in plastic and off the floor when you travel.
* When you travel, take a small flashlight to help you look for bed bugs.
* Don’t take mattresses or padded furniture that has been left at the curb or on the street.
* Bed bugs are hard to see, so if you think you have bed bugs, call a Pest Assassins Exterminating.